Passive Portfolios
A diversified blend of equity and bond index tracking funds focused on capital growth at a low cost.

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Passive Portfolios
Our Passive portfolios are buy and hold model portfolios which invest only in low-cost index tracking funds. The portfolios use a traditional diversified asset allocation model that is further refined through our unique trend and market sentiment indicators on a quarterly basis. The portfolios provide capital growth across global equity and bond markets.
Our six Passive portfolios bring together low-cost index tracking funds from leading fund management groups covering all the major global markets. This portfolio range provides diversity of assets and seeks capital growth across global equity and bond markets at a low cost to the investor.
The Passive portfolios are designed to assist in efficient, reliable, very low-cost investment and pension accumulation strategies.
Call 01792 477763 today or contact us and we'll take the time to understand your financial objectives before recommending a portfolio that's right for you.

Chris Davies
Chartered Financial Adviser View ProfileChris Davies
Chartered Financial Adviser
Phil Johnson
Independent Financial Adviser View ProfilePhil Johnson
Independent Financial Adviser
Kevin Jones
Independent Financial Adviser View ProfileKevin Jones
Independent Financial Adviser
Robin Burden
Chartered Financial Planner View ProfileRobin Burden
Chartered Financial PlannerOur financial advisers have a wealth of experience helping clients with their investment planning. We can help you build and benefit from wise and prudent investment portfolios. We believe it’s important that you to have confidence in your investments and the peace-of-mind to enjoy life to the full.
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Our Contacts
7 Uplands Crescent,
Swansea, South Wales,
SA2 0PA.
Tel: 01792 477763